6. 7. 2007
Americký Kongres se chystá zablokovat plán na protiraketovou obranuKontroverzní návrh prezidenta Bushe postavit nový protiraketový systém ve středovýchodní Evropě bude pravděpodobně příští týden zlikvidován, píše list Guardian. Americký Kongres se připravuje, že zablokuje financování tohoto projektu. Senát se zjevně připojí k Sněmovně reprezentantů a vyškrtne z amerického obranného rozpočtu miliony dolarů, o něž George Bush žádá na financování amerických raketových základen v Polsku a v České republice. Prezident Bush by musel proti tomuto hlasování použít svého veta, ale to by ohrozilo celý americký rozpočet na obranu. Hlasování v Senátu se zřejmě stane další vážnou překážkou proti tomuto ambicióznímu projektu. Důsledkem zřejmě bude, že skončí i konflikt s Moskvou, která považuje americký protiraketový systém za hrozbu. Sněmovna reprezentantů hlasováním vyškrtla z amerického obranného rozpočtu 40 miliard dolarů na přípravné práce ke stavn raket v Polsku a v České republice. Senátní výbor pro armádu, který plán na vybudování protiraketové obrany podrobně zkoumal, se proti němu postavil nejen kvůli příliš vysokým nákladům, ale také proto, že se staví skepticky k technologii protiraketové obrany. Senát dospěl k názoru, že není třeba protiraketový systém ve středovýchodní Evropě stavět s žádným spěchem. Podrobnosti v angličtině ZDE Americký Senát se návrhem rozpočtu na obranu pro fiskální rok 2008 -- viz ZDE tisk S.1547 - po projednání ve výborech začne zabývat na své plenární schůzi v pondělí 9. července 2007 odpoledne, upozorňuje Pavel Barák. Výstavby základen proti raketám dlouhého doletu v Evropě se týká oddíl 231 návrhu, který uvádí několik podmínek pro případnou dostupnost rozpočtových prostředků na tento projekt, zejména že a) vlády zemí, v nichž mají být rozmístěny prvky systému, definitivně schválí příslušné smlouvy, a b) ministr obrany předloží Kongresu - na základě zprávy ředitele útvaru pro operační testování a vyhodnocení -- ujištění, že interceptory v průběhu úspěšných testů za realistických letových podmínek prokázaly vysokou pravděpodobnost operační účinnosti. Ministr obrany dále zadá vypracování nezávislého ústavního posudku, který do půlroku vyhodnotí sporné body (návrh uvádí šest témat), použitelné technologie (sedm již známých, s možností doplnit je o další) a souvislosti (sedm faktorů) případného přijetí systému protiraketové obrany. Anglický text kongresového usnesení viz níže: |
S.1547National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)SEC. 231. LIMITATION ON AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND DEPLOYMENT OF MISSILE DEFENSES IN EUROPE.*(a) General Limitation- No funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act may be obligated or expended for procurement, site activation, construction, preparation of equipment for, or deployment of a long-range missile defense system in Europe until the following conditions have been met: *(1) The governments of the countries in which major components of such missile defense system (including interceptors and associated radars) are proposed to be deployed have each given final approval to any missile defense agreements negotiated between such governments and the United States Government concerning the proposed deployment of such components in their countries. *(2) 45 days have elapsed following the receipt by Congress of the report required under subsection (c)(6). *(b) Additional Limitation- In addition to the limitation in subsection (a), no funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act may be obligated or expended for the acquisition or deployment of operational missiles of a long-range missile defense system in Europe until the Secretary of Defense, after receiving the views of the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, submits to Congress a report certifying that the proposed interceptor to be deployed as part of such missile defense system has demonstrated, through successful, operationally realistic flight testing, a high probability of working in an operationally effective manner. *(c) Report on Independent Assessment for Ballistic Missile Defense in Europe- *(1) INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT- Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall select a federally funded research and development center to conduct an independent assessment of options for ballistic missile defense for forward deployed forces of the United States and its allies in Europe. *(2) ISSUES TO BE ASSESSED- In carrying out the assessment described in paragraph (1), the federally funded research and development center selected under that paragraph shall consider the following in connection with options for missile defense in Europe: *(A) The threat to Europe of ballistic missiles (including short-range, medium-range, intermediate-range, and long-range ballistic missiles) from Iran and from other nations (except Russia), including the likelihood and timing of such threats. *(B) The missile defense capabilities appropriate to meet current, near-term, and mid-term ballistic missile threats facing Europe during the period from 2008 through 2015. *(C) Alternative options for defending the European territory of members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization against the threats described in subparagraph (B). *(D) The utility and cost-effectiveness of providing ballistic missile defense of the United States with a system located in Europe, if warranted by the threat, when compared with the provision of such defense through the deployment of additional ballistic missile defense in the United States. *(E) The views of European members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the desirability of ballistic missile defenses for the European territory of such nations. *(F) Potential opportunities for participation by the Government of Russia in a European missile defense system. *(3) TECHNOLOGIES TO BE CONSIDERED- In conducting the assessment described in paragraph (1), the federally funded research and development center selected under that paragraph shall consider, but not be limited to, the following missile defense technology options: *(A) The Patriot PAC-3 system. *(B) The Medium Extended Air Defense System. *(C) The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system, with all variants of the Standard Missile-3 interceptor. *(D) The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. *(E) The proposed deployment of Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system elements in Europe, consisting of the proposed 2-stage Orbital Boost Vehicle interceptor, and the proposed European Midcourse X-band radar. *(F) Forward-Based X-band Transportable (FBX-T) radars. *(G) Other non-United States, North Atlantic Treaty Organization missile defense systems. *(4) FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED- In conducting the assessment described in paragraph (1), the federally funded research and development center selected under that paragraph shall consider the following factors with respect to potential ballistic missile defense options: *(A) The missile defense needs of the European members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, including forward deployed United States forces, with respect to current, near-term, and mid-term ballistic missile threats. *(B) Operational effectiveness. *(C) Command and control arrangements. *(D) Integration and interoperability with North Atlantic Treaty Organization missile defenses. *(E) Cost and affordability, including possible allied cost-sharing. *(F) Cost-effectiveness. *(G) The degree of coverage of the European territory of members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. *(5) COOPERATION OF OTHER AGENCIES- The Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, and the heads of other departments and agencies of the United States Government shall provide the federally funded research and development center selected under paragraph (1) such data, analyses, briefings, and other information as the center considers necessary to carry out the assessment described in that paragraph. *(6) REPORT REQUIRED- Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the federally funded research and development center selected under paragraph (1) shall submit to the Secretary of Defense and the congressional defense committees a report on the results of the assessment described in that paragraph, including any findings and recommendations of the center as a result of the assessment. *(7) FORM- The report under paragraph (6) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex. *(d) Construction- Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit continuing obligation and expenditure of funds for missile defense, including for research and development and for other activities not otherwise limited by subsection (a) or (b). |