7. 7. 2006
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ISSN 1213-1792


Jan Čulík


Karel Dolejší


Michal Panoch, Jan Panoch

Grafický návrh:

Štěpán Kotrba

ISSN 1213-1792
deník o všem, o čem se v České republice příliš nemluví
7. 7. 2006

KVIFF - Lost In Translation

I am a great fan of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Aside from the excellent selection of films, and a wide and varied line-up of other entertainments, it combines good organisation and a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. There are rarely delays, and the staff is helpful and friendly. On the whole, the festival is run with a professionalism and personal touch which allows it to appeal to guests from both home and abroad. However, there is one thing here which does not live up to the standard of everything else - the simultaneous translation in the introductions.

KVIFF prides itself on being an international affair, welcoming many filmmakers and stars from all over the world. Consequently, everything is in English as well as Czech - subtitles, film information, signs. And all of these are produced at a high professional standard. There is one exception, however. Before many of the films, there is an introduction, and these, like everything else, are in Czech and English. And during almost every one of these, I have been quite disappointed by the number of mistakes that appear in the translations.

These mistakes, sadly, go beyond the slight errors that one might excuse - after all, the translators are under considerable pressure to immediately translate on the spot. And, as a language student, I recognise the difficulty of this task. But these are professionals - one would expect that they know that the English for 'form' is not 'blanket'. Having done a TEFL course, I know that this would be considered quite a serious error, as it is funny. Which blankets? I wouldn't mind a blanket, actually, it gets quite cold in the main hall. In general, explaining how to use the voting forms for the Pravo Audience Award seems to cause considerable difficulty. I have heard many weird and wonderful versions of the instruction, "tear the form in the appropriate place", from mispronunciations to suggestions of circling or writing choices. Why should this be? After all, the instructions are written in perfect English on the forms themselves.. Furthermore, one would expect that a translator at a film festival would know the appropriate vocabulary to describe high definition digital picture..

A mere three hours ago, I saw an introduction where, though the translator obviously was very proficient: her vocabulary was very good, her knowledge of grammar excellent; there were problems with the use of the definite and indefinite articles, and misuse of tenses, and "junior" was pronounced as "yunior", as well as use of incorrect idioms. In every translation I hear, there is at least a handful of mistakes.

My embarrassment grows every time I hear the phrase "Welcome in the Great Hall of the Thermal Hotel". The expression "welcome" never takes the preposition 'in' in English but, of course, 'to'. Even the better translators make this basic mistake, and with this first sentence, Karlovy Vary's professionalism receives a blow.

How is the Czech Republic, this new EU member, to stand with integrity as a member of the international community with poor translators? It is quite embarrassing to hear error-riddled English at an international event, and visitors (and there are a large number of them) will inevitably say to themselves, "ah, bless, the little Czech Republic, they're only wee after all.".

Another problem with this translation business is the frequent failure to convey tone and attitude of the introductions. Many of them are light hearted and amusing, and indeed part of the charm of this festival is its jovial atmosphere. Those who do not speak Czech miss out on all of this as some of the rather plank-like translators merely relate the words of the introducers. Isn't this quite cliquey and unfair? We are going to have a laugh, but sorry, you can't join in..

Of course I can't ignore the fact that all this can seem quite unfair - would an English film festival have to translate everything for its visitors? Most likely not. And I can't disregard the fact that the general English speaking populous is not known for its proficiency in foreign languages. Visitors to this festival receive a warm round of applause for uttering "dobrý den". But is that the issue here? No, it's not. Fair or not, English is the international language, and any other country which hosts an international event must be professional in translating the on goings for its visitors.

Obsah vydání       7. 7. 2006
7. 7. 2006 Karlovy Vary 2006: Příběhy o lidské ubohosti Jan  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Karlovy Vary: Ztraceno v překladu Ema  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 KVIFF - Lost In Translation Ema  Čulík
8. 7. 2006 Karlovy Vary: Dobré filmy i koncem týdne Jan  Čulík
8. 7. 2006 Ztratili jste pas? Policii ČR to nezajímá Jan  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Kasal v prvním kole nezvolen, Topolánkova "koalice" má opět méně hlasů, než čekala Štěpán  Kotrba
7. 7. 2006 Neviditelný člen opozice v koalici - že by Patera? Štěpán  Kotrba
8. 7. 2006 "Commuters defy Bombers -- Special Report" Thomas  Franke
8. 7. 2006 Nenávidí muslimové Západ?
7. 7. 2006 Hyenismus novinářů a presumpce viny Zdeněk  Jemelík
7. 7. 2006 "Ti praví" policajti si dali navzájem zelenou Štěpán  Kotrba
7. 7. 2006 Cesta na Guantánamo Jan  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Republikán Peter King: Obviňte New York Times ze zrady ! Štěpán  Kotrba
7. 7. 2006 Pěregon - opravdu ruský film Ema  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Peregon - definitely a Russian film Ema  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Zrušte zákon - bude se porušovat Věra  Říhová
7. 7. 2006 Michael  Marčák
7. 7. 2006 Proč importujeme exoty Wenzel  Lischka
7. 7. 2006 ■ ■ ■ Michal  Čapek
7. 7. 2006 Noční můry horkého června Pavel  Pečínka
7. 7. 2006 Nová vláda: Ficova lekcia z pragmatizmu Jakub  Topol
7. 7. 2006 Od historického víťazstva k historickej hanbe Eduard  Chmelár
7. 7. 2006 Topolánkova rodina se propůjčila k reklamnímu článku Štěpán  Kotrba
7. 7. 2006 Dorothee Sölle - Gott denken Stanislav  Heczko
7. 7. 2006 Rozdel' a panuj Karim  Chaibi
7. 7. 2006 Energetický dialóg EÚ-Rusko je možný ... (za niekoľkých podmienok...) Richard  Menczer
7. 7. 2006 Telefon mezi fotoaparátem, kamerou, rádiem i televizí Štěpán  Kotrba
7. 7. 2006 Google nevinen
7. 7. 2006 Berlusconiho monopol se hroutí
7. 7. 2006 Reklama jako článek
7. 7. 2006 Rothschild vyměnil šéfredaktora
7. 7. 2006 Proč ne vládu odborníků? Jiří  Kalous
7. 7. 2006 Nález z neúspěšné účasti na mistrovství světa v kopané Bohumír  Tichánek
7. 7. 2006 S Kotrbom na večné časy a nikdy inak! Gustáv  Murín
7. 7. 2006 Britské listy nejsou diskusní fórum, ale deník Štěpán  Kotrba
7. 7. 2006 Vzhůru na Hrad! A zas zpátky! Thomas  Franke
5. 7. 2006 Ochránci přírody si budou stěžovat v Bruselu na CzechTek Štěpán  Kotrba
7. 7. 2006 Všechno nejlepší Jan  Čulík
5. 7. 2006 Bublina a Zimní cesta - dva další vynikající filmy Jan  Čulík
5. 7. 2006 Hrubeš a Mareš a Tideland mají hodně společného Jan  Čulík
5. 7. 2006 Trierova Repríza: Pozoruhodně citlivý a zajímavý film Ema  Čulík
5. 7. 2006 Trier's Reprise: A Remarkably Sensitive Film Ema  Čulík
3. 7. 2006 Ztracené město: příliš mnoho Hollywoodu Ema  Čulík
3. 7. 2006 Andy Garcia's The Lost City: Too much glitz Ema  Čulík
3. 7. 2006 Hřebejkova schematická Kráska v nesnázích Jan  Čulík
1. 7. 2006 Užvaněnost a podivná čeština Jan  Čulík
4. 7. 2006 Rafťáci: Zábavný, příjemný film Jan  Čulík
1. 7. 2006 Ještě žiju s věšákem, plácačkou a čepicí Jan  Čulík
3. 7. 2006 Amputace zdravé končetiny Bohumil  Kartous
4. 7. 2006 Dopravní značky na ulicích pověšené... Jakub  Tayari
3. 7. 2006 Odpovědnost člena Rady a odpovědnost partajního sekretariátu Štěpán  Kotrba
4. 7. 2006 Mohlo to být horší Egon T. Lánský
4. 7. 2006 Používání ekologických svítidel by zabránilo globálnímu oteplování
22. 11. 2003 Adresy redakce
12. 6. 2006 Hospodaření OSBL za květen 2006

Filmový festival Karlovy Vary 2006 RSS 2.0      Historie >
8. 7. 2006 Ztratili jste pas? Policii ČR to nezajímá Jan  Čulík
8. 7. 2006 Karlovy Vary: Dobré filmy i koncem týdne Jan  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Karlovy Vary 2006: Příběhy o lidské ubohosti Jan  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Všechno nejlepší Jan  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Cesta na Guantánamo Jan  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Pěregon - opravdu ruský film Ema  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Peregon - definitely a Russian film Ema  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 Karlovy Vary: Ztraceno v překladu Ema  Čulík
7. 7. 2006 KVIFF - Lost In Translation Ema  Čulík
5. 7. 2006 Hrubeš a Mareš a Tideland mají hodně společného Jan  Čulík
5. 7. 2006 Trierova Repríza: Pozoruhodně citlivý a zajímavý film Ema  Čulík
5. 7. 2006 Trier's Reprise: A Remarkably Sensitive Film Ema  Čulík
4. 7. 2006 Rafťáci: Zábavný, příjemný film Jan  Čulík
3. 7. 2006 Andy Garcia's The Lost City: Too much glitz Ema  Čulík
3. 7. 2006 Hřebejkova schematická Kráska v nesnázích Jan  Čulík