19. 10. 2006
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ISSN 1213-1792


Jan Čulík


Karel Dolejší


Michal Panoch, Jan Panoch

Grafický návrh:

Štěpán Kotrba

ISSN 1213-1792
deník o všem, o čem se v České republice příliš nemluví
19. 10. 2006

Like it or not, it's time to talk to dinos

So Topolánek's government has resigned -- hardly surprising since this seemed its destiny from the moment the still-born Cabinet was created; the idea that Topolánek can neither keep his family nor the government intact is now an established fact.

But what now? The possibilities include creating a grand coalition, assembling a caretaker government to take the country into early elections next year, or hoping somebody can make 101 of Parliament's 200 voices sing together long enough for a confidence vote.

Published in Czech Business Weekly on 16th October, 2006 HERE

Early elections seem the most obvious fix. The parliamentary parties' chairmen already agree such a contest should be held next June. But who has the cash for it? The big parties would in the end be able to obtain fresh campaign money -- they even have state funds left over from this year's elections.

But new elections just after a "super-election year" could crush the small parties -- not only the Greens (ZS), but also the Christian Democrats (KDU-ČSL), as, say insiders, this long-standing party is grappling with financial problems.

The key question is if, considering these costs, it wouldn't be better to try setting up a government that could last several years. And this would have to be a communist-supported government.

Topolánek would be dealt a devastating blow were Paroubek to set up a successful government. Many observers wonder how Paroubek would get the single extra voice he needs; others suppose he already has more than 101 behind him, with some ČSSD insiders claiming it's in the bag -- something of a curious claim given that the Greens are brazenly declaring "No vote for the Social Democrats" while the Christian Democrats had to sign a "loyalty promise".

In the final analysis, however, whoever is behind that 101st vote must be disenchanted at the prospect of either the chaotic KDU-ČSL club or six Green undesciplined dwarfs comprising members of the Czech government.

Some Czechs, meanwhile, are disturbed that the Communist (KSČM) club is a mere single vote from regaining real influence within a government.

Those not disturbed, however, figure that the objections against the Communists, some 16 years after the revolution, have become ridiculous. They also reason the Communists have truly given up on world revolution and "happy tomorrows" for a classless society. And, they say, let's not forget the mean age of members is higher than the population; they are dying out like a political species of dinosaur.

A new phenomenon within the party is a young group of "parliamentary people" made up of progressive communists light years away from the dino-conservatives. Communist voters, often opposing the party's regional organizations, managed to select members of Parliament like Zuzka Rujbrová. Nevertheless, the dinos refused attempts to rename "their" party. It is pointless anyway, for what's in a name? A dead fish by any other name would smell as rotten. One thing is sure though: the word "communism" still evokes the obsolete past.

It's too easy to target the current parliamentarian Communists as enemies. Doing so even provides people with an easy reason to stop searching for those who create real problems. Unfortunately, it seems necessary to practically speak to the Communists. They're a legal, law-abiding and parliamentary party. Whether we like it or not, somebody gave them the vote, and we should suppose he or she would claim to know why.

Irena Ryšánková is a parliament analyst for public broadcaster Česká televize

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