Hypocritical criticism of the Public Affairs party

20. 7. 2010

I would like to react on the article Disgusted with the Publc Affairs party (http://czechfocus.cz/2010/7/20/art53547.html), writes Jan Neuman.

I wouldn't like to get into analysing whether the criticized deputies of Minister of Interior Radek John, neither to solve whether Mr Moroz was appointed by TOP 09 or by the Public Affairs party (VV).

But I would like to point out that both criticized deputies -- Mr Moroz and Mr Zahálka -- who are mainly attacked by the Social Democratic party (ČSSD), one for his former job at security agency ABL and the other for his supposed connection with the communist regime's secret police, StB (it was actually his father who was a member), were already working for the Ministry of Interior before Radek John became a minister.

Both were brought there by Minister Pecina, from ČSSD. Mr Moroz, on top of all, was his advisor, which can be often more influential than the position of deputy minister. So, if those persons should not be working for the Ministry of Interior, then that should have been a conclusion already back when the minister was Social Democrat Pecina. Why he didn't get rid of them while in power? Thus, the current criticism by the Social Democrats against VV is hypocritical.


Obsah vydání | Pondělí 2.8. 2010