Your Vote Decides

28. 5. 2010

Subject: Your Vote Decides

Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 18:56:09 +0200

From: Petr Nečas petr.necas@ods.cz

Reply-To: tiskove@ods.cz

To: culik@blisty.cz

Wishing you a nice day,

I believe that you will excuse me for this unsolicited email.

I decided to address you because I know that many people are concerned about our country's high debts and are afraid about losing their jobs. Such worries are legitimate. That's why I advocate a solution, which will lead to new job opportunities and contains public spending. I don't promise what is not possible to fulfill. I offer deployment and hard work.

A Czech version of this article is in CLICK HERE

I know that ODS may have disappointed you in the past. We are not perfect, but we solve our problems. I also know that ODS needs to once again fight for your trust. I feel a strong support for my positions and the policies, which I want to implement. The stronger the mandate I get from voters, the tighter can be the coalition that is formed and its responsible attitude over the budget.

From the non-leftist parties only ODS has a chance in winning these elections, be the first in line and have the chance to put together a non-leftist government with a responsible approach to the budget. Only strong ODS can stop Jiří Paroubek with his ČSSD and the Communists. That's why I ask for your vote.

Your vote decides!

Petr Nečas

ODS leader

www.ods.cz | www.petr-necas.cz


Obsah vydání | Pondělí 2.8. 2010