Hope For the Left

31. 5. 2010 / Ladislav Žák

Allow me to express the opinion that the election results, which were a defeat for the parties that more or less modestly called themselves leftist, offers a big hope for the Left as such.

A Czech version of this article is in CLICK HERE

There are three reasons for the defeat: the first is that people in whose name our supposed Left fought simply didn't go out to vote, the second is that the Communist party has, for a long time, zero coalition potential and the Social Democrats, thanks to their own aggressive behavior against those surrounding them and even within the party itself, got closer to the KSČM status, and the third is that our "leftist" parties for a long time have not been able to reflect the changes of the real world, again with the exception of perhaps some unreasonable aggression against that reality or the denial of its existence.

Bottom line is that the blame for the "Left's" election results fall mainly over the inability of the Social Democrats and the Communists, together or each by itself, regardless of the Bohumin Resolution...

I see great hope in the fact that within both those parties, and even outside of them, some group of people will finally start to create an authentic leftist party, based on real leftist movements and from a big part of the labor union sector. ČSSD can still stay as the party of bubbled wine and false caviar and KSČM can stay a ghetto for a bunch of nostalgics, to whom it is preferred a brand that brings mandates and influence to some individuals, instead of a real attempt at social change.

I am not saying this will happen for sure, but in combination with the experience we have with the victorious parties when it comes to the realization of their programs, then there is real hope for the Left in next few years. I think that it would simply be a mistake to not try...


Obsah vydání | Pondělí 2.8. 2010