Voting for ODS because of Paroubek

26. 5. 2010 / Boris Cvek

Jiří Paroubek's Social Democrats (ČSSD) is a legitimate political party with a program typical of the European Left. I say this as a long-term and sworn critic of Paroubek and as a voter who would vote for ČSSD if it was headed by someone of the stature of a Hašek or Špidla (yes, there are voters who do not vote for ČSSD because of Paroubek).

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If anyone considers the Social Democrats or the Left in general as communists, is in itself just thinking in communist fashion. The Left has always fought against Communism and the communist regimes brutally suppressed it. But in the end, after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to vote for the center right Civic Democrats (ODS), and that even though I don't believe that much that Petr Nečas` mildly reformist current will not dominate after the elections, when all parties already stop giving a damn about the voters.

.Nevertheless I appreciate the debate that was broadcast on TV Prima last Sunday, in which the Social Democrats and the Civic Democrats showed themselves as standard major political parties in this country.

Other parties, as I wrote on Britský Listy many times, do not make much sense and political development should happen inside the two main political parties, not within the "fast-fermentation" new parties of the kind of Public Affairs (VV) and TOP 09 (I anyway hope that their actual electoral results will, in the end, not reach the minimum 5% required).

If the emergence of TOP09 (and maybe even Public Affairs) was an ODS election strategy to get voters, then it was very mistaken decision. ODS should and will have to go through an internal change and self-reflection, if it doesn't want to dissolve and become just one center right party among many, none of which would represent real right wing thinking. TOP 09 is just a rather ideological right wing with two odd "conservatives" as leaders, one of which represents actually ecological-conservative-center positions, while the other plays pragmatic-Christian politics, both able to talk even with the Communist Party -- the question of how come those two lost their head is really good and perhaps the answer could be their blind love for Mirek Topolánek -- and love makes wonders!

For ODS there isn't any "external" solution in setting up a system of cooperation with those right wing "satellite" parties. And no real political process can work well that way. Right wing politicians from ODS will simply have to admit, that the diligence and bravery, which they want from our citizens, is missing in themselves.

But when it comes to the election results, we can expect once again, as it has been happening since 1996, a stalemate. We will be deadlocked in an inconclusive election. I am personally for a strong (with a majority of at least 110 parliamentarians) one-color government by either ČSSD or ODS. However, I imagine we will just repeat one of the past scenarios, like in 1998 (Opposition Agreement), 2002 (weak government with a majority of only one vote) or 2006 (total stalemate and the emergence of renegade parties).


Obsah vydání | Pondělí 2.8. 2010