23. 5. 2005
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ISSN 1213-1792


Jan Čulík


Karel Dolejší


Michal Panoch, Jan Panoch

Grafický návrh:

Štěpán Kotrba

ISSN 1213-1792
deník o všem, o čem se v České republice příliš nemluví
23. 5. 2005

The Awaited SVU Publications from the Czech Republic Are Now Available

Until recently we have had difficulties in meeting the demand for the latest SVU publications that have been printed in the Czech Republic, such as the SVU Biographical Directory, because we did not have sufficient copies available in the US due to the high cost of shipping the publications from Europe. We are pleased to inform you that we have now received a new shipment of SVU Biographical Directory, the long awaited Selected English Papers from the Plzen SVU World Congress in 2002, as well as the monographs published by Palacky University in Olomouc in 2004 and the Proceedings from our Archival Conference.

The publications in question are as follows:

1. SVU Directory. Organization, Activities and Biographies of Members. Compiled by Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr., Eva Rechcigl, and Jiri Eichler. Washington, DC: SVU Press, 2003. 368 p. Price: $25.

An impressive publication comprised of some 3000 biographical entries of individual members, listing their addresses, telephone numbers and e-mails, apart from information of their education, publications and the areas of their expertise. Includes classification of members by subject and by geographical location. In many respects, it represent the "cream of the crop" of the Czech and Slovak intellectuals and other professionals interested in Czech/Slovak matters and affairs. An indispensable source of information for scholars, students and professionals interested in the thing Czech or Slovak. The SVU Directory, now in its 8th edition, has always been the SVU bestseller and it is the best business card SVU has to offer its members.

2. Czech-American Historic Sites, Monuments, and Memorabilia. Olomouc-Ostrava: Centrum pro československá studia při Katedře historie filozofické fakulty University Palackého v Olomouci, 2004. 142 p. Price: $15.

Listing of historic sites and monuments in the US that have some bearing on Czech immigrants, their life and activities in their new homeland. Based on comprehensive survey undertaken by SVU, in cooperation with the major Czech-American organizations, associated with the National Heritage Commission, as part of their effort to preserve the Czech heritage in the US. Important resource for scholars and students and community leaders.

3. Czechoslovak Archivalia. 2 Vols. Olomouc-Ostrava: Centrum pro ceskoslovenska studia pri Katedre historie Filozoficke fakulty Univerzity Palackeho v Olomouci, 2004. 206 p., 368 p. Total price: $25.

Listing of US-based archival materials and library holdings relating to emigres and exiles from the territory of former Czechoslovakia and relevant holdings bearing on their ancestral land. Based on comprehensive survey undertaken by SVU in cooperation with the National Heritage Commission. The first volume encompasses US government repositories, university-based collections, collections maintained by public museums and libraries, collections of ethnic and other cultural organizations. The second volume covers personal papers and collections, including notable personalities, as well as lesser known individuals, emigrants and exiles, who have distinguished themselves in public life. and profesions. An indispensable resource for scholars and students.

4. The Transformation of Czech and Slovak Societies on the Threshold of the New Millennium and their Role in the Global World. Selected Papers from the 21st World Congress, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic, June 23-30, 2002. Edited by Jan P. Skalny and Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr. Plzen: Ales Cenek, 2004. 640 p. Price: $25.

Includes selected English papers from the 21st SVU World Congress. As the general theme implies, the aim of the Congress proceedings was to look at the Czech and Slovak society, from various aspects, with the perspective of the future in the new Millennium. In addition to the main theme, there were other sessions relating to Czech and Slovak matters, including the Czechs and Slovaks abroad and the preservation of Czech and Slovak cultural heritage abroad. Various facets covered encompassed history, politics, law, economics, business, civil society, women's issues, religion, environment, information technology, international relations, media and journalism, etc. There was hardly a subject or discipline that was not included. A separate section is devoted to Czech and Slovak Americans on Behalf of their Homeland

5. Czech and Slovak American Archival Materials and their Preservation . Proceedings of the Working Conference on Czech and Slovak American Archival Materials, held at the Czech and Slovak Embassies, Washington, DC, 2003. Prague: Prague Edition Ltd., 2004.166 p. Price: $10.

This volume comprises the papers presented at the working Conference on Czech and Slovak American Archival Materials and their Preservation, held at the Czech and Slovak Embassies in Washington, DC, under the auspices of the US Commission for the Preservation of America Heritage Abroad. This unique conference was prompted by the general concern about the status of Czech and Slovak American archival materials, most of which are still in private hands and in real danger of being destroyed or lost. This was the first time that most important "players", on both sides of the Atlantic, archivists and scholars, government representatives and community leaders were able to meet, exchange information and debate the problem. As a result of the conference, specific ways to deal with the problems were proposed and concrete steps have been outlined for future cooperation.

Order from: Frank Mucha, SVU Treasurer, 36 W 88 Street, Apt. 1, New York, NY 10025. The prices are quoted above. Please add $5 for shipping. With multiple copies, you will need to increase the shipping charge accordingly.

Obsah vydání       23. 5. 2005
23. 5. 2005 Zrušme komunisty, 7.A Bohumil  Kartous
23. 5. 2005 SRN: Po 39 letech začátek konce
23. 5. 2005 František Koukolík: Mozek a jeho duše Jan  Sýkora
23. 5. 2005 "Bez paměti žilo by se lépe ..." Jakub  Kára
23. 5. 2005 V BBC stávkuje 11 000 zaměstnanců
23. 5. 2005 Anglo-německý spor o obětech a vinících Richard  Seemann
23. 5. 2005 Michael  Marčák
23. 5. 2005 Prase na talíři Štěpán  Kotrba
23. 5. 2005 Lety, prasata a komunisté Boris  Cvek
23. 5. 2005 Akty vedoucí málem k všeobjímající lásce Ladislav  Žák
21. 5. 2005 Ježíšmarijá! Bohumil  Kartous
21. 5. 2005 Komunisté jsou ošklivá selátka Bohumil  Kartous
23. 5. 2005 Levicová frakce v levicové straně má své opodstatnění Jan  Kavan
23. 5. 2005 Levicová levice -- a co dál? Irena  Ryšánková
21. 5. 2005 Fotky Saddáma ve spodkách vyvolaly kontroverzi
23. 5. 2005 Konzervativní pravice a konzervativní komunisté si jsou bližší, než se zdá Milan  Valach
23. 5. 2005 Každá instituce je závislá, stejně jako každý člověk je závislý na společnosti, ve které žije. Jan  Samohýl
23. 5. 2005 ČSSD radí francouzským občanům Karel  Košťál
23. 5. 2005 Američané vzájemně solidární nejsou
23. 5. 2005 Liberalismus (?) a represe
22. 5. 2005 Co není liberalismus Petr  Fiala
23. 5. 2005 Jak se nechal politik ČSSD úkolovat policajty, honil autem kolegu z ODS přes půl Moravy a oba ohrožovali své okolí
23. 5. 2005 Mírně těhotná / velmi těhotná František  Schilla
23. 5. 2005 Nepříliš spolehlivé fotografie z Iráku
23. 5. 2005 Pár myšlenek o druhé světové válce IV. Boris  Cvek
23. 5. 2005 Průša a Votava natírají nejen Posselta
23. 5. 2005 Mnoho jich zemřelo a mnozí, trpící rakovinou, čekají
23. 5. 2005 The Awaited SVU Publications from the Czech Republic Are Now Available
23. 5. 2005 D -7: Do referenda o Evropské ústavě ve Francii zbývá 7 dní Karel  Košťál
23. 5. 2005 Zpravodajství iráckého odboje za dny 8. - 17. května 2005
6. 5. 2005 Hospodaření OSBL za duben 2005
22. 11. 2003 Adresy redakce