1. 8. 2007
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Britské listy

ISSN 1213-1792


Jan Čulík


Karel Dolejší


Michal Panoch, Jan Panoch

Grafický návrh:

Štěpán Kotrba

ISSN 1213-1792
deník o všem, o čem se v České republice příliš nemluví
1. 8. 2007

To Czech Prime Minister Topolánek, from a Czech citizen: Resign

Prime Minister,

My name is Jan Neoral, I am a citizen of the Czech Republic. I am an old-age pensioner and Lord Mayor of the village of Trokavec. The village which was the first to reject, in a local referendum, the building of the US radar, your questionable and dangerous idea of militarisation of our Republic.

I do not want to present any arguments against the US radar now. You would say that you are right and the people who don't want the radar are wrong. I am thinking of something else, which is also very important for the future of this Republic.

Member of Parliament Votava criticised you in Parliament on 14th June, 2007 for your arrogance when talking to people in Borovno who were worried about the health risks of the US radar. He said:

"I think that what you told the people there is quite shocking. If you really did say this [i.e. "People die everywhere"], it was an incredible answer to people who fear for their health in connection with the [US] radar."

You replied to him:

"I think that it is incredible of you to say what you are saying. I have always maintained: if a health risk is proven, negotiations [with the US] will cease. I must disappoint you -- use better sources."

So, you told the whole nation that you had not said those incredible words in Borovno. You cowardly denied your statement and mocked the MP. You did no know then that you would get your come-uppance.

I in fact did know that in your parliamentary reply to MP Votava you had lied -- your arrogant reply was heard by some four hundred citizens from the Brdy villages there. However, I did not have any other evidence but the testimony of some of those four hundred people . Since, however, now video and audio recordings of the Borovno debate and your statement have been published, the evidence exists. The MP was right. You did say a cowardly lie. The whole nation can check this on the web.

Prime Minister, permit me to tell you publicly, as Lord Mayor:

You are a liar, you lie to the citizens of this Republic, you lie to Parliament. That is the last thing that a Prime Minister should dare to do to a nation at the helm of which he has found himself. Resign!

I also call on Secretary Alexander Vondra, the Defence Secretary Vlasta Parkanová and Foreign Secretary Karl Schwarzenberg to resign.

These government ministers have discredited themselves by their actions and turned themselves so much into figures of ridicule that no one -- except perhaps some coalition politicians -- takes them seriously any more.

I personally think that you will totally ignore my call. In democratic countries you would not so easily get away with this. Due to non-democracy, which you are trying to introduce in this country, you will probably get away with this.

Never mind. One day, people will pass judgment on you. It will happen soon -- during the next election.

Jan Neoral, Lord Mayor of Trokavec

Obsah vydání       1. 8. 2007
1. 8. 2007 Šedivý: Americký radar nebude nikdy spadat pod NATO
1. 8. 2007 Soud zamítl žádost o zákaz místních referend Pavel  Čámský
1. 8. 2007 Vztah Bush - Brown: opravdu hluboké změny
1. 8. 2007 Letecká společnost British Airways dostala pokutu 270 milionů liber za kartelové spiknutí
1. 8. 2007 Murdoch spolkl zlatou rybku
1. 8. 2007 Vězeň z Guantánama bojuje proti svému propuštění
31. 7. 2007 Má americká protiraketová obrana zlikvidovat po preventivním jaderném útoku USA poslední ruské a čínské střely?
1. 8. 2007 Čertovo kopýtko kolem radaru v ČR Miloš  Dokulil
1. 8. 2007 Tomáš Klvaňa: komunikační schopnosti profesionálního aktivisty Jan  Wagner
1. 8. 2007 Neopouštějme prostor zvaný odpovědnost za činy
1. 8. 2007 Potomci studené války v Českém rozhlase Štěpán  Kotrba
1. 8. 2007 Bodies The Exhibition Petr  Štengl
1. 8. 2007 Výročí, které rozděluje rakouskou společnost Richard  Seemann
1. 8. 2007 DIGITALIZACE: jaký ten produkt skutečně bude Štěpán  Kotrba
31. 7. 2007 Myšlenka dne (včerejšího): Dosti Nicolase
1. 8. 2007 Postavení Libye na mezinárodní scéně Daniel  Veselý
1. 8. 2007 Vládní verze odstraňování sociálního vyloučení
1. 8. 2007 Konopí je škodlivější než tabák
1. 8. 2007 V salátech u McDonaldu je víc soli než v hamburgeru
1. 8. 2007 Inzerát na dům, ve kterém bych nechtěl bydlet Josef  Vít
1. 8. 2007 Panu premiérovi Topolánkovi, od občana České republiky Jan  Neoral
1. 8. 2007 To Czech Prime Minister Topolánek, from a Czech citizen: Resign Jan  Neoral
31. 7. 2007 Zemřel Michelangelo Antonioni
31. 7. 2007 Amerika prodá na Blízký východ obrovské množství zbraní
31. 7. 2007 Jak racionalizovat podnikání žen: k plotně s nimi ! Anna  Čurdová
31. 7. 2007 V hlavní roli dotace. Anebo Kalousek? Lukáš  Jelínek
31. 7. 2007 Bylonebylo Bohumil  Kartous
31. 7. 2007 Česká média zkreslila informace o postoji nového britského premiéra v USA
31. 7. 2007 Nesmyslné zkreslování informací v ČRo 6 - proboha, proč?
31. 7. 2007 Je to jiné, než když tam byl Blair
31. 7. 2007 Referendum? I kdyby byla většina pro radar! Jakub  Rolčík
31. 7. 2007 Je správné, pokud práva občanů omezují moc lékařů David  Zahumenský