20. 6. 2002
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Britské listy

ISSN 1213-1792


Jan Čulík


Karel Dolejší


Michal Panoch, Jan Panoch

Grafický návrh:

Štěpán Kotrba

ISSN 1213-1792
deník o všem, o čem se v České republice příliš nemluví
20. 6. 2002

Hledají se odborníci na integraci Romů do českého školství

Italská poradenská firma, která připravuje projekt integrace Romů do české společnosti a projekt multikulturní reformy v ČR hledá NALÉHAVĚ (do 24. 6. 2002) české odborníky (anebo česko-anglické odborníky) na základní školství a integrační otázky v základních školách, zejména co se týče romských otázek. Projekt bude zahájen v září 2002. Šéf projektu musí mít nejméně sedmiletou zkušenost práce s problémy, týkající se menšin ve školách, a měl by být autorem návrhů na zvýšení multikulturního obsahu učiva a návrhů na monitorování a hodnocení těchto reforem. Hledají se různí pracovníci pro tento projekt, podrobnosti v angličtině jsou uvedeny níže.

Dear Sir,

we are an Italian consulting firm dealing with international cooperation projects. We are now working on a project on Support to Roma integration / Multi-Cultural Education Reform in Czech Republic, for which we are URGENTLY looking for Czech experts (or Czech/English speaking) in basic education and integration matters in primary school, particularly related with Roma issues.

Federica Fontana
Project Manager Assistant


Via Pallone, 8

37121 Verona

Tel. 39 045 8009214

Fax 39 045 8009215

website: www.agmin.it

Job Description:

The overall objective of the contract is to reduce prejudice against minorities in the Czech Republic, particularly against the Roma. This will contribute to the Czech Republic meeting the first Copenhagen criteria - that it posseses stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities.

The particular objectives are:

1. multicultural education curricula at the primary school level

2. training system concerning multicultural education at the primary school level

The project is scheduled to start on September 2002.

Profile of the experts

The Project leader (14 months) should have:

.A minimum of 7 years experience in addressing minority issues in schools in a Member State.

This experience should include:

1. Making proposals to increase the multi-cultural content of curricula.

2. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of curricula and the way that they are delivered

Particular experience at primary school level will also be considered an advantage.

A minimum of 2 years teaching experience, with an appropriate qualification. Any knowledge and/or experience of teacher training will be considered an advantage.

A minimum of 4 years experience in project management. The project leader will oversee all aspects of these terms of reference, using his knowledge and experience to provide the beneficiary with innovative and appropriate suggestions. He will be able to directly intervene throughout the course of the project's implementation.

The project leader must be fluent in English, including the ability to draft and correct documents in English.

The Project coordinator (14 months) should have:

A minimum of 3 years experience with the Czech education system.

A minimum of 2 years experience in project management including financial management.

Demonstrable knowledge and/or experience with minority issues in the Czech Republic, particularly with regard to Roma.

The project coordinator shall ensure effective communication with all bodies to be involved in the project. He should also ensure the day to day running of the project, including organizing of training seminars, financial management, and the timely production of reports. The project coordinator shall work on the project throughout the course of its implementation.

The project coordinator must be fluent in both English and Czech, including the ability to draft and correct documents in either language.

SHORT TERM EXPERTS with a minimum of (at least one of the following):

3 years experience in minority issues within the Czech education system (including human rights education), clearly showing that such knowledge is up to date.

3 years experience in designing curricula at primary school level in the Czech Republic.

3 years experience in designing multi-cultural curricula at primary school level outside the Czech Republic

3 years experience teaching at primary school level in the Czech Republic.

3 years experience in teacher training primary school teachers in the Czech Republic.

3 years experience in teacher training primary school teachers in the delivery of multi-cultural curricula outside the Czech Republic.

3 years experience in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of curricula at the primary school level.

Team members shall work on the project as and when they are required to fulfil these terms of reference.

All team members shall speak either English or Czech. The ability of team members to speak both shall be considered an advantage. EU nationality or Candidate Countries, Czech nationality is preferred

The interested experts should send theirs CVs by Monday, June 24, 2002, to the following e-mail addresses:

f.fontana@agmin.it, marzia@agmin.it, k.panero@agmin.it

Reference N°: EuropeAid/112287/D/SV/CZ/1 - Czech Republic

Obsah vydání       20. 6. 2002
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Školství RSS 2.0      Historie >
20. 6. 2002 Hledají se odborníci na integraci Romů do českého školství   
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