Czech politicians: We will not give up EU subsidies
1. 9. 2015
Czech politicians protest against the Austrian proposal that their country should lose EU subsidies if it refuses to accept refugees.
"We do not accept such a deal," said the Czech PM Bohuslav Sobotka and Home Secretary Milan Chovanec in reaction to the proposal by the Austrian Home Secretary Johanna Mikl-Leitner that those EU countries who refuse to accept refugees should have their EU subsidies slashed. "We reject the proposal that we should get EU subsidies only if we receive refugees," said the Czech Home Secretary Chovanec.
"The EU funds are an instrument of solidarity. They should not be linked to the refugee crisis," said the Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka. "This proposal is totally beyond limits. They are risking that the Czechs will stop trusting the European Union," warned Chovanec.
Chovanec added that since Germany was willing to accept all Syrians as refugees, the Czech Republic will probably not need to increase the capacity of its premises for refugees on its territory.
In Krušné Hory Mountains in northern Bohemia, Czech police has arrested some forty refugees who wanted to go to Germany and were several hundred yards from the German border when local Czech people informed on them.
In the Ústí nad Labem region in northern Bohemia the Czech police now checks not just motorways and international trains, but also local minor roads in an attempt to catch refugees. If they find their fingerprints in the EuroDat database, they deport them into the first EU country they have entered, which is usually Austria or Hungary. If they do not find their fingerprints, they move them to a refugee detention centre. So far, the Czech Republic has detained hundreds of refugees.
Sources in Czech HERE HERE HERE
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