1. 8. 2005
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ISSN 1213-1792


Jan Čulík


Karel Dolejší


Michal Panoch, Jan Panoch

Grafický návrh:

Štěpán Kotrba

ISSN 1213-1792
deník o všem, o čem se v České republice příliš nemluví
1. 8. 2005

Media must not give to stereotypes

The recent bombings in Britain and Egypt have shaken the world. People are reassessing their values as governments consider how to guard against social destabilization.

At a time of such uncertainty it is important that the media do not exacerbate harmful stereotypes that reinforce fear and loathing.

Compare these two journalistic approaches, one from the local media and the other from Britain's The Guardian.

1. "The dead Czech in Sharm al-Sheikh reminds us that we are in a state of war. He is the first dead in our struggle. Is there anyone who still refuses to believe that fanatical jihadists are working systematically?" (Martin Komárek in Mladá fronta Dnes, July 25.) Komárek went on to say that the ideology of jihad differs from the ideology of communism, Nazism and nationalism only in emphasis.

2. "The first bomb scare at the east London mosque since the suicide bombs in London was shrugged off by staff. But on Whitechapel Road outside, ordinary Muslims spoke of a pervasive sense of fear and how they felt they were being watched all the time. `As a community, the main thing we feel is fear, 24/7," said a 24-year-old Muslim woman dressed in a hijab and jilbab." (The Guardian, July 26.)

"Hundreds of thousands of Muslims have thought about leaving Britain after the London bombings, according to a new The Guardian/ICM poll. The figure illustrates how widespread fears are of an anti-Muslim backlash following the July 7 bombings, which were carried out by British-born suicide bombers. The poll also shows that tens of thousands of Muslims have suffered from increased Islamophobia, with one in five saying they or a family member have faced abuse or hostility since the attacks. Police have recorded more than 1,200 suspected Islamophobic incidents across the country ranging from verbal abuse to one murder in the past three weeks." (The Guardian, July 26.)

Czech society often assumes a frightened and defensive attitude toward other cultures and the outside world even at the best of times. It is to be regretted that in a time of uncertainty caused by violent attacks abroad, the local press reinforces primitive, simplistic stereotypes concerning a so-called clash of civilizations and encourages the racism and xenophobia that are already quite potent in society. Comments in Mladá fronta Dnes by Martin Komárek, a former hack of the communist regime, were some of the worst examples. Surely the situation is more complex than what Komárek describes.

How many Czech newspapers have actually brought sufficient attention to the misrepresentation that many Muslims are extremists bent on murder and mayhem? How many Czechs are aware that, according to a recent opinion poll, 90 percent of British Muslims are against violence and wish to cooperate with the police against all forms of extremism? How many Czech media outlets have highlighted the fact that Muslims are suffering more than most in the current atmosphere of fear?

Ever since communist times, the Czech media have been prone to succumbing to unthinking, dangerous, hysterical campaigns. It is not surprising that they are still doing it today and that writers like Komárek are leading the pack. Apparently, we have not learned our lesson about the dangers of a hysterical and one-sided media. To continue in this vein, after what we have seen, is unforgivable.

Originally published in Czech Business Weekly HERE

Obsah vydání       1. 8. 2005
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Czech Politics: Jan Čulík's comment in Czech Business Weekly RSS 2.0      Historie >
1. 8. 2005 Media must not give to stereotypes Jan  Čulík
18. 7. 2005 Media mistakes may just be growing pains Jan  Čulík
20. 6. 2005 The unexamined life is not worth watching Jan  Čulík
9. 5. 2005 Capitalist lapses, Communist lures Jan  Čulík
25. 4. 2005 Secretive politicians vanquish a media foe Jan  Čulík
4. 4. 2005 The democratic deficit in Czech politics Jan  Čulík
21. 3. 2005 Free speech is ours, but don't dare use it Jan  Čulík
28. 2. 2005 Poor education leads to workplace problems Jan  Čulík
21. 2. 2005 Grossgate revisited:the conspiracy theory Jan  Čulík
7. 2. 2005 Why I don't trust some newspapers Jan  Čulík
24. 1. 2005 The Greatest Czech? Jan  Čulík
10. 1. 2005 Compassion begins at the border Jan  Čulík
13. 12. 2004 Is Czech education failing the young? Jan  Čulík
6. 12. 2004 Is political satire now out of bounds? Jan  Čulík
22. 11. 2004 The journey toward democracy continues Jan  Čulík