čtvrtek 27. ledna


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  • SVU World Congress, Washington, DC, August 9-13, 2000, CALL FOR PAPERS

    Ikona pro Vaši stránku...

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  • SVU World Congress

    Washington, DC, August 9-13, 2000


    Miroslav Rechcígl

    The Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) will hold its anniversary, 20th in number, World Congress on August 9-13, 2000 in Washington, DC where the Society got its start in 1958 and where its first SVU World Congress was held in 1962.. This will be an extraordinary event which will feature prominent speakers and visitors from both sides of the Atlantic. It will be co-sponsored by the American University where the meetings and other activities will take place in cooperation with the Embassies of both the Czech and Slovak Republics.

    The central theme of the Congress will be "Civil Society and Democracy into the New Millennium." The aim of the proceedings will be to look at our society, with all its pluses and minuses, from various angles, with the perspective of the future in the new Millennium. There will be a complementary plenary session which will address the topic "Czechs and Slovaks Who Made the Difference in the Last Millennium," with participation of major scholars.

    Apart from the major themes, the program will include numerous discussion panels and symposia covering practically every aspect of human endeavor, from various disciplines in humanities, social sciences, arts, and science and technology to business, law, journalism, library science, education medicine, agriculture and so forth. Of particular interest should be a discussion panel on "Civil and Human Rights in Czech and Slovak Republics," featuring Czech and Slovak Ambassadors in the US and the American Ambassador in Prague, and several other distinguished speakers from government and academia. Special attention will also be paid to the question of the vitality of Czech and Slovak communities abroad and preservation of Czech and Slovak cultural identity and heritage, as well as the mutual relations of Czech and Slovak Americans with the Czech Republic and Slovakia. . We call on all scholars, scientists, artists, educators, students, ethnic community leaders, businessmen, lawyers, clergy, social and cultural workers, journalists, computer experts and anybody else who is interested in these matters to send us suggestions for specific topics and possible speakers. Young people are particularly welcome.

    Apart from numerous discussion panels and symposia, including two plenary sessions with public figures and distinguished personalities, there will be an exciting and entertaining social and cultural program. The highlight of the social events will be a banquet-cruise down the Potomac, past the illuminated Washington monuments on the beautiful 3-deck air-conditioned cruise ship, The Spirit of Washington, with a sumptuous buffet, a festive show, and dancing to an excellent live jazz band. The next day there will be an exciting bus excursion to Monticello, the famed residence of President Thomas Jefferson and a visit to the University of Virginia.

    To defray costs of housing, accommodations have been reserved in the newly renovated American University dormitories. These are available on a first come basis. Because of the relative shortage and expense of Washington hotels you should reserve your dormitory room promptly. We welcome any suggestions or offers to help, either with the logistics or the program. We are interested in additional speakers and organizers of subject panels and topical symposia..

    Points of Contact:

    SVU President - Mila Rechcigl, 1703 Mark Lane, Rockville, MD 20852; tel.: (301) 881-7222; FAX: (301) 881-9667; e-mail: rechcigl@aol.com

    SVU Ex VP (Program) - Anton Novacky, 311 Crown Point, Columbia, MO 65203; tel.:573-449-5992; FAX: 573-882-0588; e-mail: AntonJN@aol.com

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