11. 12. 2002
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Britské listy

ISSN 1213-1792


Jan Čulík


Karel Dolejší


Michal Panoch, Jan Panoch

Grafický návrh:

Štěpán Kotrba

ISSN 1213-1792
deník o všem, o čem se v České republice příliš nemluví
Vítězka dostává finanční cenu
11. 12. 2002

Cenu BCSA získal esej o spisovatelce George Eliot

Výroční literární cenu o nejlepší esej, kterou vypisuje British Czech and Slovak Association (BCSA), získala Susan Reynoldsová z Oxfordu za svou esej o návštěvě anglické spisovatelky George Eliotové v Praze v roce 1858. Reynoldsová pracuje na slovanském oddělení knihovny Taylor Institution Library v Oxfordu a vyučuje také moderním jazykům.

Britská česko-slovenská asociace usiluje o zviditelnění informací o životě v ČR a na Slovensku ve všech jeho aspektech - v historii, v politice, ve vědě, v ekonomice i v kultuře. Níže publikujeme podrobné tiskové prohlášení asociace k této soutěži v angličtině.

Essay on George Eliot Wins BCSA Prize

An essay on a visit by George Eliot to Prague in 1858 has just won a prize of £300 in a writing competition run by the British Czech and Slovak Association. The author was Susan Reynolds of Oxford.

The essay tells of how much George Eliot and her partner George Henry Lewes were taken with the beauty of the city's setting, its nobility and its sense of history, and of how she put much of her impressions into her story `The Lifted Veil' that came out the next year. It also describes the flowering of Czech literature, and contacts between British and Czech writers, at that epoch.

Susan is no stranger to winning writing competitions. Earlier this year she won the prestigious Goethe Prize (for the second time) organised by the English Goethe Society. A graduate of Lady Margaret Hall at Oxford University, she works in the Slavonic Department of the Taylor Institution Library, and she also teaches European languages, literature and history on visiting students' programmes at St Edmund Hall and St Peter's and Mansfield Colleges.

The BCSA aims to raise public awareness in Britain of Czech and Slovak life in all its aspects - history, politics, science, economies, arts and literature. The competition was for writing about the links between Britain and the lands now comprising the Czech and Slovak Republics, or about society in transition in these Republics since the Velvet Revolution in 1989.

A panel of experts in Britain, Slovakia and the Czech Republic judged Susan's entry the winner against some quality opposition. Susan was presented with her prize at the Association's Annual Dinner at the Marlborough Hotel in London on Friday, 29 November. Our picture shows her receiving the cheque from the Association's President, Ladislav Hornan.

The BCSA has decided to repeat the competition in 2003. For more information e-mail prize@bcsa.co.uk or ring 01892 543206.

5 December 2002

Contacts: Susan Reynolds 01865 270464 (day) & 01865 552663 (eve)

For BCSA: Edward Peacock 01892 543206 prize@bcsa.co.uk

& Maria Hughes 020 7485 2487 bcsa@bcsa.co.uk

Obsah vydání       11. 12. 2002
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18. 6. 2004 Inzerujte v Britských listech