Czech presidential spokesperson praises a racist website as a "highly pluralist medium"
12. 5. 2016
The widely-read alarmist, racist and xenophobic website Parlamentní listy [Parliamentary Newsletter; this is a misnomer, the website has nothing to do with Czech Parliament] which systematically whips up anti-muslim and anti-refugee sentiment in the Czech Republic, has been praised by Jiří Ovčáček, the official spokesperson of Czech President Miloš Zeman, as a "highly pluralist medium, an island of positive deviation in the sea of one-sided media mainstream."
By praising Parlamentní listy, Ovčáček explained why the Czech President Miloš Zeman regularly gives long, exclusive interviews to its reporter Radim Panenka. Several years ago, Panenka was a member of the extreme right wing "National Party" which became notorious for its campaigns against the Roma and against all minorities in the Czech Republic.
The National Party became infamous during recent elections into the European parliament when it offered "the final solution of the Roma question" within its election programme. During the election campaign, it used a flag on which white sheep kick away a black sheep against the background of the Czech national colours.
"We are the only people who have the courage to stand up and say that there are murderers, pedophiles, deviants and sadists in all the groups of the immigrants," said Zeman's favourite journalist Radim Panenka at a demonstration in Prague in March 2008.
Panenka now dissociates himself from this statement. Nevertheless, the following are the current headlines in Parlamentní listy, a "highly pluralist medium, an island of positive deviation in the sea of one-sided media mainstream," according to Jiří Ovčáček, the official spokesperson of the Czech President Miloš Zeman:
We are cutting a branch we are sitting on. Where all this will lead to. Serious information about the further developments of the refugee crisis
The onslaught of hate speech on Parlamentní listy has been intense over many months. Here is a sample of headlines from September 2015:
- Disgusting, we must leave the EU. Czech politicians' reactions against the quotas
The Czech Republic does have laws against hate speech and spreading alarmist news, but the Czech police is mostly not investigating these crimes and they are not being prosecuted.
Source in Czech: HERE
A Czech website which is in the forefront of spreading anti-refugee hatred
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